In Module 1, you learn how to lay the foundation for massive growth and more importantly you learned how to develop a millionaires mindset.
In Module 2, you learned how to find profitable markets that are hungry to buy.
In Module 3 you learned how to find profitable products and MMPs.
Now in this module you will discover how to drive qualified traffic to your offers.
What is traffic?
Identify the best traffic source to target your prospects.
Object - get on a list or create a sale.
Reaching your customer.
Traffic Trends.
Before you start running traffic to a campaign PLEASE do this first.
1st - Setup Tracking codes - IE FB pixel, Google Analytics, and any outside tracking software – will include instructions for installing these code in a separate video.
2nd - Identify purpose of the traffic IE leads, sales etc
Before starting any traffic campaign, you must first determine the purpose of generating such traffic.
For example, is it to generate leads? Is it to generate opt ins? Is it to generate a sale? Is it to generate awareness?