It’s Simple Until You Make It Complicated
You Don’t Need to Know It All...
It Ain't that complicated!
To make money in YOUR business here's what you'll need:
1 - Storefront/Website
This could be a physical location such as a brick-and-mortar presence or simply a website.
IMPORTANT: Simply having a website is NOT a business.
2 – A Product or Service
Since this is your business, the ideal situation is to own and control your own products.
Having your own products allows you to create income producing assets which can pay you for years.
However, for speed you can simply market other products owned by other people as an affiliate.
Below is one of my products, custom silicone wristbands. I have sold more than 100 million wristbands since 2005.
3 - Targeted groups of people (TGOP’s)
Potential customers, prospects, eyeballs or what is more commonly referred to as Traffic.
The key here is to develop the highest most qualified and targeted traffic as you can to see your products.
This is also known as Traffic. The ability to attract targeted groups of people to YOUR offers is paramount to the success of your business.
The key here is to have targeted traffic.
4 – Conversions
This is the ability to convert various your traffic into paying customers.
We’ll cover each of these in depth throughout this course.